Mosili, popularly known as Miss Moss, is a servant of the Lord based in Johannesburg,South Africa. She was born in the Kingdom of Lesotho where she was blessed to encounter Jesus and baptized at fifteen years old. By God’s design she moved to South Africa a year later to complete high school. By faith, despite her parents not being able to pay for her tuition fees at the time, she applied and got accepted to the University of Witwatersrand to study Geology. It is in that season that she first consciously witnessed the move of Jehovah Jireh, who provided her every need, food, shelter and fully paid tuition fees through out her time at tertiary school.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Science with Honours (Geochemistry with distinction) and entered the workforce. All the while dedicated to increasing her knowledge of the word of God by rarely missing a church bible study, continuing her own study of the word at home and serving in her local church; first at the youth ministry, later in the young adult and Women’s ministry.

It is her mission to be a vessel of comfort and encouragement to the sons and daughters of God. To create resources and tools to equip the saints to contend with the challenges presented by following Christ daily. It is her perpetual hope that all the work she does reminds the children of God of His steadfast love and to share, from her own learnings, scripturally based truths about God and us; as we run the race as successfully as we can.

She says “This ministry is an outpouring of my love for both God and His people. It is the little I can do in reverence of what God has done for me. It is a bearing of fruits, and a fulfilment of that which God has directed me to do.”